Wednesday 31 August 2011

Fw: 3E Chua Zhi Yong(10)

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: chua zhiyong <>
Sent: Wednesday, 31 August 2011 23:56:09
Subject: 3E Chua Zhi Yong(10)

  • How has the service-learning experience changed my thinking, attitudes, and actions towards others, myself and the community?
       I have learnt to be more responsible in my actions towards the environment and to the society. I have also learnt to respect and cooperate with others so that such projects are able to be successful. I have also learnt that every minor action taken by a single being can have tremendous impact on the surroundings and the people in your life.
  • What stands out as the best or worst thing that happened to you in your service learning experience? What did you learn from these experiences?
 The best thing was when i realised that the whole class was doing the service learning together and that we were making it a success. It helped me learn that so long as we try our best and work together as a team jobs we set out to do can be done. My worst experience was probably the tire from the continuous pciking of the bottles everyday.
  • Do you see yourself staying involved in the community during your college and adult years? Why or why not?
        Yes I do. I hope to be able to stay active and continue to provide service to the society, environment and myself. I want to continue to help society and to serve people in need so as to ensure a continuous upgrading of social standards.

3E Hariz Ikhwan (16)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Hariz Ikhwan <>
Date: Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 10:30 PM
Subject: 3E Hariz Ikhwan (16)

For 3E's service learning project, we decided to collect plastic bottles and throw them into the recycling bins stationed in the canteen rather than the normal dustbins situated around the school. Through this project, I have learnt the benefits of throwing the bottles into the recycling bins, something i did not know and do before this. I have realised the need to recycle and minimize waste and how I can do this through simple, basic everyday things i.e, throwing plastic bottles into recycling bins. I have become more concious and forward-thinking about things I do everyday.

Undoubtedly, the best thing that happened to me was when I was praised by a visitor of the school who saw what I was doing. He remarked that he was pleasantly surprised to see students of Victoria taking up such an initiative. He told that recycling was rare, or non-existent in most other schools he visited. This just highlighted to me the difficulty in getting people especially teenagers to be more eco-concious. This was emphasized when me and my classmates were teased and ridiculed by some fellow Victorians for doing what we did.

I will continue putting in the effort to reduce, reuse, recycle. Definitely, I will try to get my colleagues to do the same as I believe everyone has a part to play. I also plan to get involved in other community work as I believe that I can always give more back to the society.

3E Hariz Ikhwan (16)

You must also incorporate answers to the following pointers:
  • How has the service-learning experience changed my thinking, attitudes, and actions towards others, myself and the community?
  • What stands out as the best or worst thing that happened to you in your service learning experience? What did you learn from these experiences?
  • Do you see yourself staying involved in the community during your college and adult years? Why or why not?

For 3E's service learning project, we decided to collect plastic bottles and throw them into the recycling bins stationed in the canteen rather than the normal dustbins situated around the school. Through this project, I have learnt the benefits of throwing the bottles into the recycling bins, something i did not know and do before this. I have realised the need to recycle and minimize waste and how I can do this through simple, basic everyday things i.e, throwing plastic bottles into recycling bins. I have become more concious and forward-thinking about things I do everyday.

Undoubtedly, the best thing that happened to me was when I was praised by a visitor of the school who saw what I was doing. He remarked that he was pleasantly surprised to see students of Victoria taking up such an initiative. He told that recycling was rare, or non-existent in most other schools he visited. This just highlighted to me the difficulty in getting people especially teenagers to be more eco-concious. This was emphasized when me and my classmates were teased and ridiculed by some fellow Victorians for doing what we did.

I will continue putting in the effort to reduce, reuse, recycle. Definitely, I will try to get my colleagues to do the same as I believe everyone has a part to play. I also plan to get involved in other community work as I believe that I can always give more back to the society.
done by Yash Khemaney (34)

CDETT project

  • How has the service-learning experience changed my thinking, attitudes, and actions towards others, myself and the community?

I feel that this service learning experience has been quite wonderful experience as I have learnt more about the environment and also how to take charge of what happens around me. I fell it is my duty to keep the environment clean.

  • What stands out as the best or worst thing that happened to you in your service learning experience? What did you learn from these experiences?

The best thing would undoubtedly be the sense of accomplishment after I had done my bit in cleaning the environment. I would always prefer to stay in a cleaner environment compared to a dirty one. However, the worst part of the service learning is that we have to take the initiative and get dirty. I have learnt a lot from this experience.

  • Do you see yourself staying involved in the community during your college and adult years? Why or why not?

Yes, I will surely be want to be involved in my community and continue maintaining my relationships with others. I feel that Singapore is our homeland and we should keep our homeland clean. If everybody takes the first step, I feel that we can live in a better environment.

3E JunQuan (28)

The service learning for our class involved the recycling of used plastic bottles. 
Whatever we do will affect the people around us, for every action will trigger
a reaction.
 This service learning has certainly heightened my experience in the field of doing something for the community. I have learnt that some people still lack the knowledge that recycling is important to protect the environment.We, as Singaporeans, have a part to play- saving the environment for future generations.

3E Indra Kurniawan (17)

I learned through the service learning that we have to give back to the society. This is a form of voluntary work that my class has offer to give back to the society. We recycled plastic bottles as there is a high usage of plastic bottles but little recycling and we guessed its time to instill the message that we have to do our part to help recycle and give back to the society whenever we think and feel necessary. Before the Service Learning, I did not liked the idea of collecting plastic bottles and recycling them as i thought they were a waste of time and effort. However, after going through the whole process and experience, i appreciate the project as it has helped me change my thinking and viewpoint towards recycling. We have to do our part in the community as there are many global issues arising nowadays.

They were no good or bad thing that happened during the experience but as i said earlier i had gained many experiences and my viewpoint towards recycling had changed. I learned to be a more open-minded person and to give back to the community in any way that i could, doesnt matter if its a big thing or a small one as it is the thought that counts.

I see myself getting involved in this kind of things as i feel it is necessary as a well-groomed person to spare a thought for others, in this case, the world as by recycling we are actually reducing the amount of plastic production and thus reduces greenhouses gasses and help maintain global warming. This small little acts like recycling that we can easily do everyday can play a big part in changing the world. If everyone does their part in it, I'm sure everyone themselves will benefit from it. That being said, we should encourage and promote this voluntary acts as these acts can help develop one's characters and change their perception on a certain something.

Reflections for CE Project

For my class service learning, we were tasked to collect plastic bottled drinks that students have finished in school and throw them into the recycling bin instead of the main rubbish bin. This service learning has certainly heightened my experience in the field of doing something for the community. I never thought we could help not only the community but the environment in this way. It teaches me that we can all play a part in serving the community and this will benefit everyone as a whole.

The best experience was when a group of students came up to us and passed us their empty plastic bottles. It showed that they too wanted to help us in playing a part to help the community. We did not have to go around asking for plastic bottles. They took the initiative to come up to us and hand the bottles. I have learnt that one person alone will not be able to fulfill his service towards the community without the help of others who also want to serve the community.

In the years to come, I will certainly do community service as I know my little effort can help someone else out there. For example, I would take time to go down to the Old Folks' home to help out,, to make sure the old folks feel loved and cared for. I believe service towards the community has to be reciprocated.


Gabriel Lee Wei An (14)    3E  

3E Mark Chia (27)

This service learning has helped me realise that I am not alone in this community. It has helped me realise that
no man is an island in this world. Whatever we do will affect the people around us, for every action will trigger
a reaction. So this service learning has made me see the world in a whole new light.
There was not a lot of negative experiences, except a few minor ones which would waste my time typing it in
my reflection. So I will focus on the positive experiences. It was very rewarding to collect many many bottles
from our fellow Victorians and dump all of them into the recycle bin. There was a sense of accomplishment
left in my heart.
I believe that serving the community is a life-long journey and that all of us, young or old should learn how to serve.
Be it delivering gift packs to the needy on Victorian Challenge Day, selling goodies to raise funds for the poor,
or picking that loose piece of paper to throw it away. We are serving the community. So yes, I do see myself
serving the community when I am an adult.


This service learning project has helped me understand it is important to recycle and save the environment. i also realised that there is a great need for recycling in singapore as many items are being thrown away everyday instead of being recycled which harms our mother earth.
I was happy but at the same time shock when my friends gave me their bottles without hesitation which made my job much easier and also, showing that we victorians truly know the meaning of recycling. However, there were some problems we encountered during the project, for example, we didnt have enough trash bags to hold our bottles. From now on, i would recycle everything that has been used as this project has made me realised the importance of recycling.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

3E Logesh (26)

As a whole, I feel that this project has enhanced my creativity and has instilled a sense of social responsibility in terms of caring for our environment. Through this project, I have changed my views about playing a part in saving the Earth, from a time where I pondered how I alone can ever make a difference regardless of my efforts to a time, now where I fell that it is trough these projects that we can influence people who had the same views as I had, the same people who can make a difference, to get inspired to really play their part and make recycling a medium in which we can stop harming the Earth. Every project has it's ups and downs, and a project such as this which requires inspiration and motivation was particularly difficult at times where I was required to to sacrifice my time to make this project a success. Many recesses were spent picking bottles that were inconsiderately thrown about while I was physically drained, particularly after P.E when rest was required the most. Yet, the purpose of this project was enough for me to pull through some of the tough times as thoughts about a better future flashed pass. A valuable lesson was learnt, that sometimes sacrifices are to be made for our own good. Through this experience I have developed into a better person and am more aware of the importance of recycling and it's impact. I would like to carry it out in my college years as it would attract more people to take part in projects such as these and encourage recycling in our modern societies.

3E Bryan Wu (6)

Subject: CE
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 22:51:34 +0800

The service learning for our class involved the recycling of used plastic bottles, where each of us were tasked to spend a fixed amount of time during our allocated time slots to collect plastic bottles from the school canteen and the students to recycle them. From this service learning I realized how much of plastic there is that would have been wasted should we have not recycled them.Through this service learning project, I have come to the realisation of how little effort i need to put in to make a small difference, and that all these small differences add up. I now am no longer as selfish as I were previously, having witnessed this difference that I had made to my community.

- To me, there weren't really any outstanding negative experiences, rather the feeling of having lots of bottles to put in the recycling bin was reward in itself. To see that I had made a real change in my community was something that I had not previously experienced before and this project left me with nothing but a warm glow of accomplishment. I also got to know my groupmates better through this project, and, with their help, they made it anything but a chore. All in all, this was an experience that I will well and truly cherish, and I will always bear in mind that the little acts add up to big things.

- I definitely see myself continuing in this aspect of community work, something that some other people might disregard as being small or menial, but, having experienced what I can actually do firsthand, it is not something that I see myself stopping in the near future. So yes, I will be continuing through my college and adult years, and hopefully past that.


The service learning for our class involved the recycling of used plastic bottles, where each of us were tasked to spend a fixed amount of time during our allocated time slots to collect plastic bottles from the school canteen and the students to recycle them. From this service learning I realized how much of plastic there is that would have been wasted should we have not recycled them.Through this service learning project, I have come to the realisation of how little effort i need to put in to make a small difference, and that all these small differences add up. I now am no longer as selfish as I were previously, having witnessed this difference that I had made to my community.

- To me, there weren't really any outstanding negative experiences, rather the feeling of having lots of bottles to put in the recycling bin was reward in itself. To see that I had made a real change in my community was something that I had not previously experienced before and this project left me with nothing but a warm glow of accomplishment. I also got to know my groupmates better through this project, and, with their help, they made it anything but a chore. All in all, this was an experience that I will well and truly cherish, and I will always bear in mind that the little acts add up to big things.

- I definitely see myself continuing in this aspect of community work, something that some other people might disregard as being small or menial, but, having experienced what I can actually do firsthand, it is not something that I see myself stopping in the near future. So yes, I will be continuing through my college and adult years, and hopefully past that.


Dear Teacher In Charge,
I apologise for not saving the project in jpg format, it is in word format.
Yours sincerely,

Reflections and photo for CE project (3E)

Gabriel Lee Wei An (14) 3E 

3E Nickson Tan (32)

This service learning project has helped me understand it is important to recycle and save the environment. I also realised that it is actually effortless to recycle and I would do my part by recycling bottles each time i use a bottle.
The best thing that happened to me was that many of my friends had actually given me their used bottles after i told them about my CE project and that made my job alot easier.The worst thing was when there were disagreements between my group about who should recycle today and that led to us not recycling on some days.
I would see myself staying involved in the community after college and adult years as recycling is effortless and it can make a difference.

3E Kennedy Wong (33)

How has the service learning changed my thinking, attitudes and actions towards others, myself and the community?
This service learning has taught me the importance of saving resources for future use. This resources , in this case plastic,  is not unlimited and will eventually run out one day. What we can do as individuals is to recycle and reuse the plastic bottles to prevent wastage of it. This will ensure that our supply of plastic will last longer. Every single plastic bottle saved means that there is one more plastic bottle in the world for the next generation.
What stands out as the best or worst thing that stands out to you in the service learning experience? What did you learn from this experiences?
The best thing that stood out from this experience is the Victorian Spirit. When other Victorians saw us collecting bottles, they came forward with their unwanted water bottles to pass to us. This made our life much easier.
The worst thing that happened was the stuff that was inside the water bottles. When we collected the bottles, sometimes it was empty (YAY) while other times it was fill with a mixture of many drinks. This made our life very difficult as it was just hard to empty the contents into the sink without getting anything on ourselves.
Do you see yourself involved in the community during your college and adult years?
Yes. However, i think that my involvement will be lesser due to the larger workload and having more commitments.

3E Riku Alatalo (2)

How has the service-learning experience changed my thinking, attitudes, and actions towards others, myself and the community?

Our class CE project was to collect and recycle plastic bottles in the canteen during recess. Prior to this, I did not realize how many plastic bottles are just thrown in the dust bin, instead of recycling. I am now more conscious about the amount of plastic products wasted instead of recycled. As such, this experience has helped me to think in a more environmentally friendly way. I am now more inclined to convince people to recycle due to the realization of the consequences of not recycling.

What stands out as the best or worst thing that happened to you in your service learning experience? What did you learn from these experiences?

The best thing happened during the experience was the interaction and bonding with the classmates in my group. We worked together to help recycle and help to save the earth. Through our activity, we built a stronger friendship.

The worst thing that happened must be the students from other classes who, despite us trying to convince them to recycle, would walk away and just throw the bottles in the trash.

Through these experiences, I learned that many of us are uneducated in terms of recycling and what it means to the environment, and some people are too ignorant to care for the future.

Do you see yourself staying involved in the community during your college and adult years? Why or why not?

Yes, going to college and beyond gives me more opportunities to help communities. These activities will give me a chance to experience different situations and meet new people. These experiences can be invaluable at some points in life so I will be always willing to participate when possible.

Marcus Goh (15) 3E

Service learning has always been a chore something that had to be done and there was no getting around it. But this year through service learning, not only have i learnt to appreciate others, my mindset towards the community has also changed.
For example, i have learnt to appreciate my classmates because even on days where i was absent from school, they would always help me to reserve some of the bottles they have collected just for me. And this in turn has inspire me to do likewise for them.
Through this small incident, my mindset of the community has changed as i always thought that the community was hard wired for self-centred-ness and nothing would ever change that fact. However with this incident, i have learnt that through one small deed at a time, even the most stubborn of communities can change. :)

Monday 29 August 2011

3E Chu Yan Cheng (9)

  • The service learning for our class involves the recycling of plastic bottles, whereby each student is tasked to spend a fixed amount of time just to pick up plastic bottles from the school canteen and to recycle them. From this service learning I realized how effortless recycling can be and that how we, as teenagers can contribute to our community just by such simple means. I learnt that despite the minimal sacrifices that we had to make just to commit ourselves to this service learning, it was all worth it because when we look back and witness how much we've achieved by spending that short period of time daily, we accomplished a lot and have done a great deal to help the environment and the community. 
  • Well, the best thing that stood out to me was the time we had with our fellow friends while doing this service learning. Through such times, we were able to forge stronger bonds among each other and establish greater friendships, while we're contributing to help the environment by recycling the plastic bottles. It was a win-win situation for us all because we got to know each better and simultaneously, conducted ourselves well to contribute to the service learning project. Well, I learnt that even though this service learning project might be boring to some, but we all can still make this a memorable experience for all of us because what's bitter to endure is sweet to remember and that after everything is done, we can look back and be grateful to those who had worked hard to make this project a success.  
  • Yes of course, I'll be looking forward to be involved in potential overseas service learning projects to at the same time, broaden my horizons about this world as well as to help people outside of Singapore.  

3E Lim An Howe (25)

  • How has the service-learning experience changed my thinking, attitudes, and actions towards others, myself and the community?                                   This service learning, whereby our class were told to recycle plastic water bottles and place them into the recycling bins, has greatly changed the way on how I view recycling. Not only are we able to reduce the amount of resources used but we are also able to lessen the burden of the environment. By contributing to this service learning, I have learned that saving our environment is not impossible as long as everyone is able to chip in bit by bit. This way not only will we have a cleaner and fresher environment, but also a better place to live in. 
  • What stands out as the best or worst thing that happened to you in your service learning experience? What did you learn from these experiences?
The worst thing that happened to me would be a lack of space to store the large numbers of water bottles that has been collected. Due to the many sessions of collecting, i realise that the desk under my table was getting too full. In the end I had decided to place them in plastic bags and bring them home.
The best thing that happened would be that me and my group were able to foster better friendship and teamwork amongst ourselves. Also I am glad that we are able to help the environment in one way or another.

I have learned that recycling is important if we want a better future and place for us to live in. In order to do so, i have learned that everyone is required to play a role in it       
  • Do you see yourself staying involved in the community during your college and adult years? Why or why not?
Yes, but not as much, as the workload in college will be much more than what I am receiving now. By recycling frequently, I will be able to develop a good habit and also develop my character.

3E Dinesh(21)

Service Learning at first according to me,was just a usual boring community project.As we brainstormed for ideas for what to do for service learning,we came up with the idea of recycling bottles because the usage of bottles in the school is very high but the percentage of recycling was low.Thus we decided to carry out this activity to increase the recycling rate.As we started collecting the bottles and throwing them inside the recycling bins,we could see that we have actually done a lot because the bins were filled to the brim.I learned that recycling can keep the school and environment clean and it was enjoyable experience.
The best thing about this activity was working with your friends and having a good was also satisfying to see our hard work pay off when the bins are filled to the brim.i would like to continue this type of projects because it really helps to wake you up to do something for the environment.

3E Dinesh(21)

Picture 001.jpg
Service Learning at first according to me,was just a usual boring community project.As we brainstormed for ideas for what to do for service learning,we came up with the idea of recycling bottles because the usage of bottles in the school is very high but the percentage of recycling was low.Thus we decided to carry out this activity to increase the recycling rate.As we started collecting the bottles and throwing them inside the recycling bins,we could see that we have actually done a lot because the bins were filled to the brim.I learned that recycling can keep the school and environment clean and it was enjoyable experience.
The best thing about this activity was working with your friends and having a good was also satisfying to see our hard work pay off when the bins are filled to the brim.i would like to continue this type of projects because it really helps to wake you up to do something for the environment.

3E Lim An Howe (25)

  • How has the service-learning experience changed my thinking, attitudes, and actions towards others, myself and the community?                                                                                                                                                                                                    This service learning, whereby our class were told to recycle plastic water bottles and place them into the recycling bins, has greatly changed the way on how I view recycling. Not only are we able to reduce the amount of resources used but we are also able to lessen the burden of the environment. By contributing to this service learning, I have learned that saving our environment is not impossible as long as everyone is able to chip in bit by bit. This way not only will we have a cleaner and fresher environment, but also a better place to live in. 
  • What stands out as the best or worst thing that happened to you in your service learning experience? What did you learn from these experiences?
The worst thing that happened to me would be a lack of space to store the large numbers of water bottles that has been collected. Due to the many sessions of collecting, i realise that the desk under my table was getting too full. In the end I had decided to place them in plastic bags and bring them home.
The best thing that happened would be that me and my group were able to foster better friendship and teamwork amongst ourselves. Also I am glad that we are able to help the environment in one way or another.

I have learned that recycling is important if we want a better future and place for us to live in. In order to do so, i have learned that everyone is required to play a role in it       
  • Do you see yourself staying involved in the community during your college and adult years? Why or why not?
Yes, but not as much, as the workload in college will be much more than what I am receiving now. By recycling frequently, I will be able to develop a good habit and also develop my character.

3E Jonathan Chen (19)

For this service learning project, my class took on the task of collecting plastic bottles in the canteen. The busiest times were during recess times in the canteen. It was quite surprising to see the large amount of plastic bottles being collected. From this, I realized how difficult it is to actually make sure that the environment is kept litter-free, and how important it is to recycle whatever can be recycled. If all the plastic bottles that were collected had been thrown away, they would have been incinerated or buried in the landfill, probably further adding to pollution. However, by recycling them, the plastic from the bottles can be turned into other plastic products. The best thing that happened during this project was that many friends were willing to help recycle their bottles and assist by encouraging their own friends to recycle bottles as well, making the job easier. Yes, I will remain involved in community work in the future. There are many opportunities to help out, for example, through religious organizations, and some volunteer organizations. However, one person can only do so much, and it is important to try to get others to help out as well, as everyone can play a part in helping to serve the community.

3E Kendrick Choo (8)

My class did the recycling of plastic bottles as service learning. We had to collect plastic bottles from the canteen which made us shock at the amount of plastic bottles being disposed everyday, and how much harm has been done to the environment. This made us more eco-friendly habitually by recycling waste materials whenever we can.
Best thing: The recycling sessions during recess allowed us to bond with one another and build a stronger teamwork during the collection of plastic bottles.
Worst thing: There were people not wanting to turn up for these sessions as they feel it's a waste of their recess time. All these sparked arguments between our group which was easily solved when everyone decided to just play their part and collect the plastic bottles during recess. From these experiences, I learned that it is more efficient when everybody plays their part and compromise to resolve arguments. Yes I see myself staying involved in the community. Being environmentally friendly is everybody's job, and I feel that sometimes I should just take some time off to help play my part in keeping the environment eco-friendly.

Sec 3 CE Project

My group was mostly cohesive, the only time we actually had any miscommunication was when we were taking photographs. Hence, that's why my photo was taken at home. 
When I first received this assignment, I felt that it was a waste of my recess time and was not interested to even try to collect bottles.

The first day that I actually went to actively collect bottles, my perception of this being a useless waste of time was changed. I was astounded by the sheer amount of plastic bottles being thrown away. Multiple that across Singapore alone, and you can see the reason environmental pollution is such a huge global problem.

Through this assignment, I fostered better relations with my classmates through close cooperation. However, when we had any disagreements, we worked past them and found a common solutions. I can see myself involved in such projects in the future as everyone has a part to play to make our environment better for future generations.

3E Chen Jing Yi (7)

How has the service-learning experience changed my thinking, attitudes, and
actions towards others, myself and the community?

During the service learning, my class did recycling of plastic bottles which not
only made us more aware of the damage done to the environment by the wasting of
plastic bottles and what we can do to stop it, but also allowed us to have the
opportunity to cultivate an interest and habit in ourselves to be more
eco-friendly and recycle waste products whenever we can.

What stands out as the best or worst thing that happened to you in your
service learning experience? What did you learn from these experiences?

Best thing: The recycling activities allowed us to bond with our classmates,
making every recycling session a cherishable moment.

Worst thing: There were rare disagreements in our group as at times, people were
reluctant to do their recycling activity, seeing it as a waste of time.

From these experiences, I learnt how to resolve conflicts by making fair
agreements and doing my part.

Do you see yourself staying involved in the community during your college and
adult years? Why or why not?

Yes. Playing a part in heping the community is everybody's duty. We will have to
make time to carry out our duties whenever we can.

Friday 26 August 2011

3E Raveendran Ajey Ashok (29)

My class service learning was to encourage students to recycle the plastic bottles other than throwing them into the dustbin. Service learning was a new experience for me. Initially i was not really interested about doing this. But after my first try i came to enjoy it. I was able to mingle with more people and get to know them. Along with i also came to know about all the damage that these plastic bottles cause to the environment. Thus i was motivated to make this class effort a success and help save the Earth at the same time. 

The best thing that happened during my service was that, some of my friends from other classes started to help me by throwing their bottles in the recycling bin and asking their friends to do the same. I was elated to see the support that they gave me. On the other hand, there were also other students who were a hindrance to my effort. Despite my request to throw their bottles in the recycling bin, they continued to throw them in the rubbish bin. It was really disheartening, as they are polluting the environment which would affect them in years to come. I would this was the worst part of my service learning.

Yes i do see myself involved in community service. Through such acts i am able to set an example to the future generations and be a great role model to save the Earth. Only by doing so, we would be able to change our society and our living space.    

Thursday 25 August 2011

3E Au Chun Hin (04)

Honestly when I first started doing this service learning project I just thought of it as just anoter homework asignment and did not like it.
However as I started it I had a shock as I discoverved how much bottles where thrown away at every single recess time. We have only around 1400 students which is just a small part of Singapore which is just a small part of the world.Imagining the tons and tons of plastic bottles thrown every day had quite a impact on me. Where are we supposed to put time I kept wondering and how much of it goes out into the sea. This led me to think that actually it ony takes every single one of us to do something simole like recycling the bottles to have a profound impact on the world.
Well overall the best part of the project was working with my friends as we got to bond together.The worse part was having to wash the bottls before throwing them into the recycling bin.Also while we did our projec some people still continue to litter the area with empty plastic botles.
Yes I see myself staying involved in the community as it gives you a chance to do something meaningful and also allows you to make changes in society. As I know every small action counts in contributing to help Singapore be a better plac.

3E Zhang Guoxian (35)

The service learning has been a pretty meaningful one to me, and it has made me realize the severity of the situation of the environment. Who knew something so insignificant like a plastic bottle can bring about so much change to the environment? Imagine: A student in VS discards 1 plastic bottle per day; around 1450 students in school; 200+ days of school throughout the year. Do the math. Imagine what all these non-biodegradable wastes could do to our environment. All these occupy land space in landfills, and it poses a serious problem to the limited land space Singapore has. Worse still, all these waste could be consumed by marine life, leading to many deaths. It was only through this project did I realize the importance of saving the environment, and this project, though nothing much, is one way we could do our part in saving the environment.

The best part of the service learning? Walking around in attempts to collect plastic bottles. Didn't really work out well though. The worst thing? Washing the bottles. Oh well. 

Yes I do see myself staying involved in the community in the future .When we grow up to be working adults, I believe we will all be repaying society in one way or another. Everyone can do their part in helping to contribute to the community. It does not really have to be just about saving the environment. We can always extend a helping hand to those in need, or those who are more disadvantaged than us in ways. But saving the environment is one of the ways where we Singaporeans can play our part in contributing to the community. Every small act counts. 

3E Zhang Guoxian (35)

3E Zhang Guoxian (35)

Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 22:46:40 +0800

FW: 3E Zhang Guoxian (35)

Subject: 3E Zhang Guoxian (35)
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 22:43:14 +0800

3E Zhang Guoxian (35)

3E Ashwin Shanmugam(3)

  How has the service-learning experience changed my thinking, attitudes, and actions towards others, myself and the community?
Our class CE project is a simple yet a meaningful one. It is to throw used plastic into the Reycling bins. Normally, anyone including would have thrown their bottles in the rubbish bin. I would have never bothered about the long-term effects of this irresponsible act till we were assigned this project to do. As well known plastic is a non-biodegradable waste. As such, it cannot be broken down by natural decomposers. In the end these wastes end up land fills or seas poisoning the land and the oceans. Countless livings die because of the plastic wastes. This project taught the valuable lesson of saving the environment for our future generations.
What stands out as the best or worst thing that happened to you in your service learning experience? What did you learn from these experiences?
Best thing: I had great fun with my classmates while we worked to to complete this assignment. I really cherish these good memories
Worst thing: Despite my class being the role model for this idea, students from other classes continued to litter and throw their plastic bottles in the rubbish bins although we told them to leave them in the recycle bins.
I have learnt that some people are not aware of the negative effects of throwing their plastic bottle in the rubbish bins. They should be corrected with awareness campaigns on the negative effects of plastic.
Do you see yourself staying involved in the community during your college and adult years? Why or why not?
Yes, I do. Our lives are full of opportunities and staying involved with the community shapes our society. We, as Singaporeans, have a part to play- saving the environment for future generations. Doing projects may be not so significant in the real world, but it goes a long way in saving the environment. Also, by staying involved with the community sets an example to fellow citizens of Singapore to raise their awareness about being involved with the community. Soon, everyone from young to old would be playing their part for the community.

3E Brenan Mah (5)

The service learning experience has changed my mindset in the sense that it has made me more environmentally conscious of my surroundings. Previously, I would usually disregard litter in the canteen or anywhere else for that matter. However, after having to do this service learning experience, I see rubbish in particular plastic bottles as a medium through which i can help save the environment in my own small and unique way. By recycling, not only do I do the cleaners a big favour but I also help to reduce carbon emissions!
Well, the best thing would be is that we are helping to clean and tidy up our classroom and school. However, the worst thing I experienced is that students who discard their bottles rarely bother to wash the insides of their bottles. This ultimately means more work for us. What I learned from this experience would definitely be the importance and significance of recycling
I definitely see myself participating in more community service activities in the future as it allows me to do new things and get new experiences. This takes me away from the rather mundane surroundings of the classroom and puts me in different situations with different tasks. Even as an adult, I will be ever enthusiastic about such activities as I am always on the lookout for new and different experiences.